Formal Causation in Aristotle and in Analytic Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science

Formale Verursachung bei Aristoteles und in der Analytischen Metaphysik und Wissenschaftsphilosophie

Projektleiter/Principal Investigator:PD Dr. Ludger Jansen, Rostock/Bochum

Mitarbeiter/Researcher:Petter Sandstad MPhil BA, Rostock

Gefördert durch/Funded by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Laufzeit/Duration: 2018-2020


  • CFP (Extended deadline: 30 November 2019) "Forms, Kinds, Essences": We are editing a special issue of Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy. Do contact us for any questions. For the complete call, see the journal website.
  • On the 22-23 October we organised, if we may say so ourself, a highly successful workshop. A total of 14 talks made it into a fairly tight schedule, although the quality of the talks and the audience made it not too difficult to follow the talks. All in all there were 32 participants, including the speakers and organisers, from 9 different countries. We are currently working on an edited collection of papers, which will include many of the contributions from the workshop.
  • Paper presentation at the 92nd Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, Open Session, Oxford, 08.07.2018. Read the draft paper.
  • Poster presentation in Turin, Models of Explanation, 11th Munich-Sydney-Tilburg/Turin (MuST) conference, 11.06.2018. Poster is available here: