Petter Sandstad, MPhil

Büro: Raum 8026, August-Bebel-Straße
- Aristoteles
- Metaphysik
- Wissenschaftsphilosophie
- BA in Philosophy (minor in Classics and History), University of Oslo, Spring 2010.
- MPhil in Philosophy, University of Oslo, Spring 2012. Supervisor: Øyvind Rabbås. On the thesis The Structure of the Expert-Analogy in Plato & Aristotle.
[6] “Grounding and Aristotle's Posterior Analytics”, in: Grounding in Medieval Philosophy, edited by Magali Roques, Investigating Medieval Philosophy series, Brill (forthcoming).
[5] “The Logical Structure of Socrates’ Expert-Analogies”, in: Socrates and the Socratic Dialogue, edited by Christopher Moore & Alessandro Stavru, Brill, 319-335 (2017).
[4] “Heuristic Analogies in Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, Semantic Stretch of Terms, and Soundness or Fallaciousness of Analogies”, in: Australasian Philosophical Review 1 (3): 291–297 (2017).
[3] “The Formal Cause in the Posterior Analytics”, in: Filozofski vestnik 37 (3): 7-26 (2016).
[2] “Essentiality without Necessity”, in Kriterion 30 (1): 61-77 (2016).
[1] “Aristotle on Exceptions to Essences in Biology”, in: Angewandte Epistemologie in antiker Philosophie und Wissenschaft, edited by B. Strobel and G. Wöhrle, AKAN-einzelschriften 11, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 69-92 (2016).
[4] [Sandra Lapointe (ed.) Themes from Ontology, Mind, and Logic: Present and Past – Essays in Honour of Peter Simons], in Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 20: 218–226 (2017).
[3] [Stefan Roski, Bolzano’s Conception of Grounding], in: Phenomenological Reviews 2017.04.06 (2017).
[2] [David Bronstein, Aristotle on Knowledgeand Learning: the Posterior Analytics], in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.01.22 (2017).
[1] [Michael T. Ferejohn, Formal Causes:Definition, Explanation, and Primacy in Socratic and Aristotelian Thought], in: Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 19: 235-241 (2016).
[1] “Vedrørende Husserls lære om helheter og deler”, in: Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 53 (2/3): 150-164 (2018). Norwegische Übersetzung (mit einer kurzen Einleitung) von Ginsberg, Eugenie (1929) ”Zur Husserlschen Lehre von den Ganzen und den Teilen”, Archiv für systematische Philosophie und Soziologie 32, 108–120.