As part of the evaluation of the ontology teaching experiment, the GoodOD project has designed a command line tool to compute similarities between OWL 2 ontologies. The source code repository can be found at GitHub. The following preview releases are available:
Source Archive (zip)
SHA1 checksum: d968325f1da3026e72e88bdae7f5aed274bad87e
Source Archive (tar.gz)
SHA1 checksum: 1ca07438eafa6d706358388564023abd42204e1b
Binary (jar, without dependencies)
SHA1 checksum: 8ca070bc67989397f39eaad602ad7fbe73dbdc67
Binary (jar, with dependencies)
SHA1 checksum: 968ce63aea03e735bcb139af0bb7815cb0e4bc48